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Why Wear Spectacles?
Glasses today not only correct your vision but are also a fashion accessory. They offer you convenience and low maintenance unlike contact lenses. They are also a one off cost. Gone are the days of the cumbersome coke bottles as today's technology means you can have thin looking lenses even if you have a high prescription. Today's range of eyewear means you can now enjoy glasses like never before. Stronger and lighter frames, sporty or formal styles, funky or conservative. People are now having more than one pair of glasses for different ocassions and attire. At Focal Point we stock the perfect pair of glasses frames for you.

Choosing The Right Frame
We stock all the latest fashion frames and styles in a range of colours. If we don't have it, we will do our best to get it in for you. All our frames come with a 2 year warranty . Our friendly team will help you find what your looking for and offer professional advice

There is only one way to choose a pair of frames...try them on. Shapes and colours are changing all the time so they will be quite different to what you are use to. The first thing to consider is the image you want to portray. Frames should reflect your personality! Ask yourself the following questions.
Do I want to make a statement? - Hey, look at me!; professional; sporty; intellectual...etc
Do I do a lot of physical activity and sports when wearing glasses?
There are glasses frames that are suitable for all of the above. It is good to have an idea of what you want, or else it will make choosing a frame very difficult. Some people prefer to bring in a friend or partner when choosing a new frame.
1) Choose the frame on shape and style first. Most frames come in 4-5 different colours which we can order in for you. It would be impossible to displays all the colours.
2) We normally suggest that the top of the frame runs parallel with your eyebrows so there is no conflict in visual lines. For example if you have flat eyebrows a flatter frame up top will be better suited to your face. The frame's arms should also run parallel to the side of your head. The arms should not flare in or out. Frames are also available in different sizes if you have a slightly larger or smaller head.
3) The frame should be comfortable. If it doesn't feel comfortable it may just be a case of adjusting the nose pads or arms
4) Lastly, we need to look at the colour. Choosing a colour is personal. Your hair colour and the clothes you wear can often determine the colour of your frame. Dark coloured hair and complexion generally suits darker coloured frames and vica versa for lighter coloured hair and complexion.
5) When your glasses are collected our qualified staff will fit and adjust the glasses to suit your face. When you purchase a pair of glasses from Focal Point you are entitled to free adjustments for the lifetime of your frame.
If you have no idea what looks good, consult with our experienced staff. Remember they look at frames on people all day long and know what looks good. Good luck!
Cost Of Frames
The price of glasses frames can range from $220 to $700. The differences in price are due to the quality of the frame, the material it is made of and the brand. We would suggest choosing a frame that you like before looking at the price. Remember your glasses are the first thing people notice and you must be comfortable and confident wearing them. You should also consider the life of the frame and spreading the cost out over its lifetime. In most cases if you choose a frame you like and look good in, the price of the frame is soon forgotten.
Please be aware that other glasses retailers who offer cheaper frames and websites selling frames online are usually selling end of line models or production runs that don't meet the quality standards and typically sold at bargin prices. All our frames have NZ distributors and manufacturers warranties, and sourcing replacement parts is normally not a problem.
Once a glasses frame has been selected our optometrist will discuss the types of lenses that will be suitable for you.
Click here to find out about lenses.